Read the letter here and see it below.
February 27, 2017
Len Brannen
Shelter Resources, Inc 2223 112th Ave NE# 102
Bellevue, WA 98004
Dear Len,
Please accept the enclosed recognition award as a small token of our appreciation for Shelter Resources, Inc’ s dedication to the success of the William J. Wood Veterans House (WJW). Residents moved in before the holidays and are very appreciative of their new homes. We’ve had very positive feedback!
One couple that has been married for 37 years, and homeless for the last 38, is making their apartment their own and have decorated one of their rooms in red, white, and blue. The husband has volunteered for flag detail to take care of the large flag in the front of the building.
An 85 year-old Korean War veteran has again taken up playing the music he once loved. When he was homeless, he had nowhere to play. Now he has stability, he has started to practice again and is looking for local jam sessions. He even offered to play at the WJW holiday party.
A single veteran in his fifties says he has the best unit in the whole building because of the views. He takes about 100 photos a day and has started posting them on social media. Since doing this, he’s reconnected with friends from his past and is starting to rebuild relationships. He shared with us that it is hard to believe that just months ago he was sleeping on a sidewalk.
These stories, and many more like them, are possible because you saw the potential in the William J Wood Veterans House and committed to being a part of this great project.
Thank you for your support,
Robin Corak